
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2022-08-23 08:19:24 英語試題 我要投稿
  • 相關推薦




  In this section you will hear nine statements. At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions.

  1. Who is the speaker?

  A. An insurance agent.

  B. A fireman.

  C. A safeguard.

  D. A politician.

  2. What can we infer about Susan?

  A. She dresses fashionably as she spends plenty of money on them.

  B. She looks fashionable though she doesn’t spend much on dresses.

  C. She doesn’t spend much money on her dresses.

  D. She often spends too much money on her dresses.

  3. What does the statement mean?

  A. The room was too dry.

  B. The room was not dry enough.

  C. The paint was wet.

  D. The paint was too dry.

  4. We learn from the statement that

  A. Lucy is very interested in video games.

  B. Lucy shows no interest in video games.

  C. Lucy often plays video games if she is free.

  D. Lucy plays better than her friends.

  5. What can we learn about Andrew?

  A. His petrol is used up.

  B. He just got his car filled.

  C. His car had a little petrol left when reaching the garage.

  D. He had a car accident.

  6. The speaker suggests that

  A. appearances are not important.

  B. appearances are everything.

  C. lothes make the men.

  D. we should never trust appearances.

  7. What does the speaker say about Thurber?

  A. He is a great writer.

  B. His blind eye prevented him from writing good novels.

  C. His success depended on his childhood experience.

  D. He worked so hard in writing as to lose one of his eyes.

  8. What does the speaker imply?

  A. I knew the time of the concert from him.

  B. He didn’t tell me the time of the concert.

  C. He told me the time of the concert, but it was unnecessary.

  D. The concert began before I knew the time.

  9. The speaker suggests that

  A. we should read every two lines carefully.

  B. we should find hidden and implied meanings.

  C. we should keep our eyes open for the book.

  D. we should get the meaning of every word.

  另外:“needn’t do / don’t need to”表示沒有必要而不去做。

  9. “在閱讀過程中, 我們必須從字里行間領會隱含之意!

  in the course of …: 在…過程中

  理解詞組read between the lines: (從字里行間﹑言詞﹑行動中) 領會言外之意﹑體會隱含之意 就不難理解本題的真實含義,從而選出正確答案B。










