
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2021-02-26 19:03:27 英語四級 我要投稿


  Please choose a correct answer for each question.


  1. How did Roberto put out the fire?

  A) with a bucket of water

  B) with a wet towel

  C) with a fire extinguisher

  2. What does Jenny suggest needs organising?

  A) Health & Safety training

  B) Another meeting

  C) Fire drills

  3. Does Luke think Naomi will lose her job?

  A) Yes

  B) No

  C) Maybe, it depends on Roberto

  4. How does the Continental Hotel compare? A) it’s bigger, but cheaper

  B) it’s bigger, but more expensive

  C) it’s smaller and cheaper

  5. Which facilities does the Continental not have?

  A) an outdoor pool

  B) an exercise room

  C) a sauna

  6. What do Luke and Naomi do after work? A) go out for dinner

  B) go out for a drink

  C) go and watch a film

  (Hotel staff putting out fire in the kitchen)

  Marina: Well done, Roberto! Luckily you know how to handle a fire extinguisher(滅火器). What happened?

  Roberto: The new waitress, Naomi, decided that there was not enough excitement in her life, came round our side of the serving counter(柜臺) and knocked over a pan of hot oil which caught fire on the gas burner(煤氣灶). Suddenly, inferno!

  Naomi: I’m really sorry, Marina! My customer was complaining about the length of time he’d to wait for his order. So I came in here and saw his dish just sitting on the hot plate(電爐) by the hobs(壁爐擱架;火爐擱架). So I came round the chef’s side of the counter to get it and... well, my arm just knocked the pan off the hob and…

  Roberto: Don’t you know it’s a golden rule that the waiting staff stay their side of the service counter and the chefs stay their side?

  Naomi: Yes, but I was only trying to help. You were all so busy and…

  Roberto: The only thing is it looked worse than it really was. And at least it proved that those new fire extinguishers are pretty effective.

  Steve: Okay, okay. Well, thanks Roberto, for dealing with it so speedily. Now everyone, the drama is over, let’s get this mess cleared up and get back to work. There are still hungry customers to feed! I am just glad it wasn’t anything more serious.

  Marina: Yes, come on everyone! Back to work! You too, Naomi.

  (A while later)

  Jenny: Hello?

  Marina: Jenny, Steve... could I have a word(談一談,尤指私下或秘密的事)?

  Jenny: Yes, of course, Marina. What’s up?

  Marina: Well, this business of the fire in the kitchen wasn’t too serious, thank heavens, but it does bring up a very important point. We really do need to look into the training we give to the new staff. What if the fire had been more serious or Roberto hadn’t been there?

  Jenny: Yes, you’re absolutely right. I’ll get onto organising some further Health and Safety training right away. That okay with you, Steve?

  Steve: Yes of course. Good thinking, Jenny. The sooner the better I’d say. We really need to tighten up(使更嚴(yán)格;使更有效) on all our procedures on health and safety, fire drills(消防訓(xùn)練), etc, especially if we’ve got the prospect of this big conference coming up. Hmm, fire drills, that gives me an idea… Anyway I’m off home now – see you all tomorrow.

  Jenny & Marina: Bye.

  (Naomi and Luke talking)

  Naomi: Oh Luke, I felt such a fool! I know I shouldn’t have gone the other side of the serving counter, but I was just trying to help!

  Luke: Don’t worry! It could have happened to anyone.

  Naomi: Do you think I could lose my job? I need the money. Oh I’m such an idiot!

  Luke: Listen, it wasn’t such a huge mistake – we’ve had waitresses do much worse …of course they were usually fired…(Naomi: What?!) Only joking. Look, don’t panic, there’s no way they’ll get rid of you right now!

  Naomi: Why not?

  Luke: Because they need all the staff they can get. If this conference comes off(舉行), they’ll definitely need all the regular staff to help and they’ll probably have to hire extra staff too! New people that will need the experience of people already working here.

  Naomi: Well yes, if the conference comes off. But do you think we have a good chance of getting the contract? I mean there is the Continental Hotel nearby, that is much bigger than we are. They always have conferences on, it’s a speciality(特長,專長) of theirs.

  Luke: Well, the Continental may be larger than us, but we are more modern. They haven’t had a refurbishment(翻新) in years!

  Naomi: Yeah…the hotel itself may look a bit dated(過時的,陳舊的') but they do offer more facilities than we have – they’ve got an outdoor pool, for example, and a huge exercise room.

  Luke: Yes, but an outdoor pool won’t be much of an attraction in February, will it? And we’ve got a sauna(桑拿浴) and gym(健身房) that’s absolutely state-of the-art(最新式的) now. And we’ve got much better business facilities than they have now - wireless internet access, DVD presentation points, etc – that’s probably more important to the conference organisers.

  Naomi: Yes, but the Continental charge less for their rooms than we do. The way things are today, I bet price is going to be the deciding factor.

  Luke: I wouldn’t be so sure. Service is important too, and we have the best receptionist in town working here, even if I say so myself. And I am sure that none of their waitresses is quite as… as helpful as you are in the kitchen!

  Naomi: Oh…Thanks! Just when I was starting to forget my embarrassment!

  Luke: C’mon, I’m only joking. Hey, do you have to go straight home? Why don’t we go out for a drink and you can tell me about some of those crazy vegetarian recipes you say are so brilliant.

  Naomi: Oh that would be great, Luke! I really need to unwind(放松) after all that drama.

  (In hotel)

  Roberto: Marina, can I speak to you? it’s important!

  Marina: Sure, what’s it about?

  Roberto: Well, that new girl – I’m worried. We need trained staff to work here, I can’t spend my time looking after every newbie(新手) you hire… I’ve got enough on my plate(自己已經(jīng)忙不過來了) with my kitchen staff without having to keep an eye on(盯著,照看) the serving staff.

  Marina: Okay, what do you mean exactly, Roberto?

  Roberto: Well, to begin with…

  1. C

  2. A

  3. B

  4. A

  5. C

  6. B









